New Hope Presbyterian Church of Erie

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If your need is prayer, follow the link on our home page to our prayer line. Your concern will be listed with our Sunday morning worship prayers (unless you prefer it to be confidential). Your communication will be held in confidence by our staff.

Programs and Services

  • Our worship is lively and traditional in form: We value the Scriptures; we participate with enthusiasm; our musical offerings are strong and varied.
  • Our spirituality ranges from active to contemplative, personal to corporate (and sometimes all of these!).
  • Our Christian education and faith formation opportunities span all ages: children, youth, and adult.
  • As believers we are finding new ways to actively serve and engage the world around us.
  • We are a “hospital for sinners,” not a “museum for saints.”
  • We are learning to discern God’s leading together.
  • We are Presbyterian but share our witness with Christians and churches of many stripes.


Robert Phifer

Send an email | View the website | 814-864-1920

5440 Washington Ave.
Erie, Pennsylvania 16509