Erie County Community College of PA

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The mission of the Erie County Community College of Pennsylvania (EC3PA) is to develop dynamic and diverse learners to advance their quality of life and Erie County's economic growth through affordable access, innovative education and workforce training.

Programs and Services

  • It is sponsored by Erie County and was created to fulfill the following opportunities:
  • Offer affordable educational options and training in the area
  • Replace a retiring workforce by quickly responding to economic shifts and training needs
  • Serve as a feeder to the strong four-year university system in Erie County
  • Be a strong partner in the workforce and economic development
  • Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education in the Erie area
  • Developing programs that connect people to jobs


Dr. Chris Gray

Send an email | View the website | 814-413-7000

2403 West 8th Street
Erie, Pennsylvania 16505